Original drawings were created on March 14, 1881, and September 10, 1926, and on July 11, 1910, a Notice was published that an Application to Charter would be made of an intended corporation to be called “The Portland Cemetery Association”. The earliest known burial plot at Riverview Cemetery is that of Chris Evans, who passed on in April 1861 at the age of 9. Although there isn’t a lot of information available on its history, we do know that it is the resting place of a number of G.A.R (The Grand Army of the Republic) men who were resident then of the Portland vicinity. Some flags and emblems are where there are no stone markers to give names. It is also the resting place of Charles J. Newbaker, Portland’s Bridge Guard for the covered bridge that was destroyed on August 19, 1955, during the remnants of Hurricane Diane.
Benjamin Ader, Oliver H. Armstrong, Lemuel Ayers, William J. Baldwin, Amos Barnes, George C. Beam, John Datesman, William H. Decker, William H. Emmons, Reuben Evans, William K. Evans, Morris Felker, John Fields, Aaron Frutchey, Isaac Fuls, Henry W. Gangwer, John B. Grover, Archelus Harris, Ogden Harris, John Henning, Alfred Henry, Michael Hevner, Moses Jacoby, Alonzo La Bar, Wilson La Bar, Samuel Lambert, Jacob F. Leibert, William Morris, George Murray, George D. Nixon, Jacob Ozenbaugh, Josiah Paff, George Quick, John F. Rader, George A. Rafferty, Sterling R. Robbins, Jacob Sellinger, William Stine, Joseph Latta Watson, William Weiss, William H. Williams, Philip D. Wirebach.