Portland Borough Authority is a separate entity from the Borough of Portland. Portland Borough Authority manages the processing and delivery of water through water lines at residences of Portland and Upper Mt. Bethel. They have a separate office inside the Portland municipal building located at 206 Division Street, Portland, PA.
Any questions or concerns regarding your water or your bill can be directed to the water authority using the contact information below:
Samantha L. Kindred, Administrative Assistant
Portland Borough Authority
206 Division Street, P.O. Box 572
Portland, PA 18351
Office: 570-897-6470 * Fax: 570-897-7786
Email: pbwaterauthority@yahoo.com
Office Hours: By appointment
Portland Borough Authority now provides the ability to view your account information online! This includes viewing your water usage, paying your water bill and signing up for eBills using their Customer Portal! Click here or on the flyer below to access the portal. All information needed to register your account can be found on your most recent water bill. Any questions or issues, please contact the Authority at 570-897-6470.