Borough of Portland’s
Trash Collection is on WEDNESDAY’S starting January 2025
Please see schedule for garbage collection and recycling collection dates below.
If you have any questions regarding you garbage bill, please contact the Borough Office at (570) 897-0559 and ask for Diann.
To make payments on your Garbage Account, click on one of these buttons below:
Residential Sanitation Customers
The Borough has a new collection company starting January 2025 thru 2027, Sanico Garbage & Recycling Collection Services The contract is a 3 year term and it is with the Borough of Portland, not individual properties. So the Borough is the “bulk” user and the Borough then takes and divides up the contract amount between all the units to be collected from.
If for some reason your trash and/or recycle are not collected report your issue to the Borough office, 570-897-0559. If you do contact the Borough office they will need your name, the property address and if you rent the property the owners name on the account.
To view the schedule larger download the link 2025-2027 Sanico Collection Calendar and Recycling Guidance. Please review the single stream recycling page. NO PLASTIC BAGS OF ANY KIND ARE TO BE PLACED IN WITH YOUR REGULAR RECYCLES.
Borough of Portland | Ordinance 159 Sanitation